BrilliSoft, LLC Apps

Find The City - Geography Game 3.0.2
Find The City. This game will improve yourgeography knowledge and you will enjoy playing it (while learningabout our planet)!When you start playing, you are asked to find a city, whichcould be anywhere on the planet. In the easy levels, the city isalways a capital. As the game progresses, it gets more difficultand you are not given capital cities; this way, your geographyknowledge improves every time you play the game…Your goal for this geography game is to find your target as quicklyas possible, by flicking and pinching the screen to move about theplanet and clicking a button when you have the city in yourcrosshairs. The closer you get to the target and the quicker youfind it, the more points (and knowledge) you get. It gets moreinteresting when you have to find small towns, instead of acapital…Play often enough and your geography knowledge will improvedramatically! You’ll learn about thousands of towns and villages onour planet, not just capital cities.Features in current version...★ (3.0) Challenge your friends to multiplayer games viaFacebook, Email, SMS, or Twitter.★ (3.0) You can challenge your friends, whether they have aniPhone, Android device, or Windows Phone.★ (3.0) In multiplayer mode, you must find 10 cities in 300seconds.★ (3.0) You are given 3 attempts to complete challenge.★ (3.0) Check scores and rankings to see how you and your friendsare doing.★ (3.0) Share your rankings and score via Email, Facebook, orTwitter.★ (2.0) The same city won't show twice on the same day★ (2.0) User experience / design improvements★ (2.0) 5,000 new cities! 10,000 in total.★ (2.0) Hint arrow at all levels★ (2.0) Skip cities in lower levels★ (2.0) Share your high-score on Facebook★ (1.1) Complete all 10 levels to beat the game & improve yourknowledge of our planet★ (1.1) Your hi-score is tracked★ (1.1) Capital cities only in first few levels★ (1.1) In level 1, 90 seconds to find city★ (1.1) Less time in higher levels★ (1.1) If you run out of time, game ends★ (1.1) Background music and sound-effects★ (1.1) Pause game on exitEmail: [email protected]:
Flashlight! – Flash Light App 1.0
Flashlight! is the only flash light app youneed for your phone. It is the brightest, most beautiful andbattery friendly flash light app available. It’s easy to use, it’sbeautiful to look at, the flash light turns on instantly and thereare no gimmicks to burn more battery than is needed!As the name implies, Flashlight! has only one function: toprovide light when you need it, making it battery-friendly. Thereare no unnecessary gimmicks that drain your battery or make usingFlashlight! complicated, like strobe lights, a compass, SOS, sound,and so on. If you're looking for an easy-to-use, battery-friendly,beautiful flashlight app for your phone that works perfectly andinstantly, then this is the only flash light app you need!Features in version 2.0...★ Beautiful design; it is the best looking flashlight app on themarket!★ Multiple Languages and we are adding more all the time!★ Light turns on quicker than any other flashlight app★ It provides the brightest light possible, using the cameraflash★ It is designed to use as little battery life as possible★ The light is bright and constant, with no flickering★ No advertising or any other distractions; it has a beautifulUI★ Lock screen can be disabled, if you don't want the light to turnoff★ The light turns on instantly when the app is launched★ If you prefer to turn it on yourself, you can change this insettingsEmail: [email protected]:
Vizilife – Life Planning App 2.4
Vizilife is the new generation life planningtool for your phone; it empowers you to organize and track yourtasks, notes, an event, projects, questions, pictures, a meeting,audio notes, other information, and the people in your life orbusiness and you can use it as a journal.Vizilife allows you to organize and track your tasks, notes,journal, a meeting, projects, questions, pictures, audio notes,other information, and the people in your life or business. You cankeep details of these items on your phone and also set reminders.It is the only personal information management tool you need and itmakes planning and managing your life and keeping a journal acinch!What's unique about Vizilife is that you can link individualitems of information to each other. For instance, let’s say you’replanning an event or meeting and you want to keep track of who willbe attending. You can link each of those people to the event. Youcan also link journal notes to the meeting, for instance.You can later drill-down from the event / meeting you’replanning to the people category, and Vizilife will show youeveryone linked to that event or the journal category you create,to see your notes. Viewing, planning, and managing your informationin this way is very empowering.Features in this version…(v2.2) Create quick, unfiled notes and file them later.(v2.2) Navigate through items within a category by using next andprevious buttons.(v2.2) Import contacts from your phone into Vizilife.(v2.2) Hide standard categories (not previously possible).(v2.1) Intelligent time zone management(v2.1) Additional metadata displayed beneath each item(v2.1) More "sort by" options(v2.1) Numerous usability improvements(v2.1) Change categories of existing items(v2.1) Manage your tasks, notes, events, projects, questions,pictures, audio-notes and people(v2.1) Link related items together, so that you can see how it allfits together(v2.1) Drill down through your information intuitively with abreadcrumb visual(v2.1) Lock private information, so that nobody can access itwithout your password(v2.1) Set reminders for items at specific dates and timesEmail: [email protected]:
Shake for Help – Stop Bullying 1.4
Welcome to Shake For Help! This safety app wasdesigned mainly for children that are bullying victims, as well asother situations, such as rape.Install and configure this safety app on your children’s phone,and, if they are ever in trouble (bullying, feeling threatened,under attack, rape, having a medical emergency, or any similarsituation), all they have to do is simply shake their phone. That’sit! The app will periodically send out an SOS to their emergencycontacts (parents, siblings, teachers, or friends) and let themknow that they are in trouble. It will also let them know theirlocation and other useful information.Shake For Help uses patent pending technology to keep your childrensafe, from bullying, rape, etc. It is perfect in situations whenit’s not possible or practical to dial a number. Most people havetheir smartphone with them 24/7, which makes it the perfectpersonal safety device. Unlike other apps, you don’t need to launchthe app and try to remember what to do. Simply shake your phone andan SOS will be sent out…Install this safety app on your children’s Android devices andspend a minute configuring each one (you can do this even if youknow nothing about technology, because we’ve made the processsuper-simple). After that, you never need to launch the app again.It will run in the background, listening for a shake trigger, forinstance, in a bullying or rape situation. It will then send outthe necessary SOS signals to call for help. Installing this safetyapp on your children’s devices offers peace of mind.What users are saying…★ “I feel comfortable knowing that my kids have the app on theirphones and can simply shake it if they feel threatened, on theplayground, when out with their friends, or walking home fromschool.” (Parent)★ “This application is perfect for women on lonely streets,senior citizens at home, and tourists in unfamiliar environments.It is an unparalleled tool that gives them security, access to helpin emergencies, and the ability to be independent. All that packedinto a simple, single application that runs on your phone.”(Businessman)★ “Considering the very real and common threat of assault onwomen when they venture outside, the ability to reach out for helpinstantly makes me feel safer. I feel empowered and have some peaceof mind when I leave home, with this additional ‘weapon’ in mymobile device!” (Female college student)★ “I have a heart condition and it’s good to know that if I everhave intense chest pains, I can just shake my phone and people willknow where I am and that I might need help.” (Grandfather)We have designed this app to be extremely simple to use. Elderlypeople who have no experience with smartphones will easily be ableto use this app. Young children will have no problem using the app.The configuration process is simple and walks the user through theprocess, step by step, in simple English. After the app has beenconfigured, all the user needs to know is how to shake their phonein a distress situation, such as rape…Features in this version…★ Quick, easy configuration process (takes a minute ortwo)★ To let emergency contacts know you are in trouble, shake thephone until it vibrates★ When in emergency mode, the phone is silenced, so that yourattacker is not alerted★ When in emergency mode, your phone will vibrate periodically tolet you know it is sending out an SOS★ If you accidentally trigger an alert, shake the device again toturn it off★ Notifies emergency contacts of your location, speed, direction,and battery level★ To cancel sending out an SOS, simply shake the phone until itvibrates (or launch it and tap “I am safe”)Email: [email protected]: